Friday, January 27, 2017

Day2Day Photo/Photo a Day/Project 365

Whatever you call it, I'm finishing it this year.

Since 2010, I have tried to complete a photo project by taking one photo a day. It began as a way to explore my last year in my 20's. I began on my 29th birthday. So there was a photo from my gathering with friends, then the mom life that had me washing diapers, the adventures of a driving skills coach in the winter...

I tried to keep up for a while, but began to slack off. Would miss a day. Then a day became a few more, then a week. I would grow upset and quit all together.

Fast forward two years and I tried to pick up again when I purchased a new camera, my first Digital Single Lens Relfex ( DSLR ), a Nikon D5100. So many more buttons and dials to use, settings to learn, and techniques to try.

I searched for photo challenges to give me a guide on what to take or focus on with my photography. That's when I came upon Fat Mum Slim. Chantelle has an awesome site where she has a section dedicated to her Photo a Day prompts. Each month she showcases a new set of ideas on what to take a photo of for that day. May 2012 was my month. Almost... I managed to get 28 of 31 days done.

Moved from Colorado to California. Tried a month here and there, but still never successful. 2016 rolled around and I managed to get a full month and a half completed! High five! And then I fell off the photo wagon. Kept trying to pick myself back up and start again with no luck. I began to feel like the daily guides were stumping me.

The end of the year rolls around and I have taken a leap into a new business with Forever. And 2017 began with a bang to help me keep up. Day 2 Day Pre-Designed Pages and weekly themes. This will be a game changer!
Day2Day 2017 Week 1: Time
Forever 2017 D2D 1st Half Predesigned Pages
Forever 2017 D2D January Theme
Forever 2017 D2D Add On Kit
Font AR Cena